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From: Zach Laine (whatwasthataddress_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-03-01 00:36:20

On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 7:16 AM Дмитрий Архипов via Boost
<boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> This is my review of Boost.Parser.


> # What is your evaluation of the documentation?
> Currently documentation looks a bit undercooked. It needs some restructuring.
> For example, on one page there is a table of attributes for library-provided
> parsers. On another, there is a table of attributes for parser operators. On
> yet another those two pages are repeated, and also there's a bunch of
> extra rules for
> how sequences and alternatives affect attributes, followed by a table with
> examples. This creates some confusion at first on where to look up information
> on attributes.

Hopefully, this is addressed by the Cheat Sheet I made. It has all
the tables copied into one place.

> Another complaint I have is that the fact that the attribute for
> parsers with semantic
> actions is none is not advertised well enough. This is a very important piece of
> information, because most parsers use actions. And yet, this is only mentioned
> in operator tables, and never mentioned in the section on semantic actions.

Right, good point. Ticket:

> Also, I had a lot of success using _locals. But the docs only mention it in
> passing. I feel like overall the documentation would have benefited from more
> examples which solve some specific tasks using various library components.

I agree; there's already a ticket open for this one.


> One thing I want to note is that the library seems to have copied several
> naming conventions from Spirit. I'm not convinced there's much value in naming
> context accessors with a leading underscore. I'm also not convinced dependency
> on Boost.Hana for the sole purpose of using its tuple's operator[] is
> warranted.

I feel strongly that it is, having used op[] a lot. That being said,
I'm becoming aware that this is a minority opinion. Perhaps I should
make std::tuple the default, instead of the other way around. I don't
want to remove hana::tuple entirely, because I want to use it in my
own parsers.


> While I was writing those parsers using trace::on was of great help for
> debugging errors. I still had a bunch of several pages-long template errors,
> particularly when parser attributes were not of the type I expected it to be.
> A related issue is that I have been using the branch that allowed returning
> values from semantic actions, and the library often couldn't correctly figure
> out whether I wanted to pass a context to the action, or just the attribute.
> In the end, I had to add explicit return type of void to all of the former.
> With the latter the problem sometimes manifested when a lambda had several
> return statements. I predict that this will be a significant usability issue.

Yeah, I implemented it to see how it works, and it only kind of does.
I might experiment with alternatives that cannot be ambiguous, or
might strike it. It was an interesting idea, but being forced to
rigorously constrain your lambda's is not fun.

> Several people have asked for a way to define rules without a macro. I have a
> different request: I think that there should be a macro which rather than
> relying on a naming convention allows you to explicitly name the parser that
> implements the rule. This would allow people to use their own conventions.

This is easy for me to add, but it's also really easy for you to
write. I find such low-effort macros unappealing as a library
feature, since they're so easy for the user to use, if desired.

> I tried using nocase and discovered that the symbols parser ignores it. Is this
> by design? If so, there should be a separate parser that allows case-insensitive
> symbol matching.

Nope, that's just an oversight. I went through all the parsers one by
one, but the symbol table is its own thing, and got missed. Ticket:

> Finally, several people asked for benchmarks. Conveniently, the library
> includes a JSON parsing example, and conveniently I am maintaining Boost.JSON
> and I know how to add new parser implementations to its benchmark runner. The
> results aren't very good: Boost.JSON with default allocator is approximately
> 500 times faster than Parser on apache_builds.json. Niels Lohmann's JSON
> library is 100 times faster.

Ha! That's hilariously bad. I'll have to take a look at what might be
going on there. Did you happen to take a look at the callback JSON
parser for comparison?

> * The main requirement is to fix build failures on popular C++ implementations.
> Related to this would be a well-functioning CI setup.
> * Either symbols should support case-insensitive mode, or an alternative parser
> should be added to the library.
> * There should be a rule definition macro that allows explicitly specifying
> parser that implements the rule.
> Overall, I enjoyed my experience with the library. Given that Spirit is being
> sunsetted, Boost needs a replacement.

I fully agree with the first two. I'll probably only do the last one
if Marshall approves the library, and makes me.


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