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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-03-12 21:09:08

El 12/03/2024 a las 17:24, Alan de Freitas via Boost escribió:
>> Now seriously, not a formal review, but I think it's important that main
>> issues ( and
>> could be discussed
>> and monitored periodically (say, every 6 months) in the ML. Would be
>> folks fine with this approach?
> I don't think that's a bad idea, but unless things change I don't think it
> provides a lot of additional value
> over what we have now, which is already everything being constantly
> monitored and people being able
> to complain and open issues about anything at any time.

Yes, I just wanted to propose some kind of "state of the website" review
once a while from the community. It could be every 12, 24 or 36 months.

The difference with a library is that the website is representing
somehow the whole federated project and it seems that some collaborators
here might be worried about how the website project will go in the long run.

But yes, if issues are fixed (the website has now 100+ issues), and we
have few complaints in the ML, then there is no need to review anything.



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