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From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemensdavidmorgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-01 02:09:25

> Here are what we believe to be the available options.
> 1.
> The C++ Alliance assumes control of the Boost assets, including the
> domain name. The Boost Foundation becomes uninvolved in any
> decisions related to the Boost Libraries.

I support this.

Vinnie cares mainly about C++ and has poured his own resources into
boost without any necessity.
There is no reason to think that Vinnie will change anything about how
boost works; I know for a fact he'll respect the review process even
if he vehemently disagrees with its outcome.

There is also no reason to think that Vinnie might use this to advance
his career and be perceived as a "leader" by his peers,
which cannot be said about some outspoken members of the boost foundation.

It's quite noticeable that the Boost Foundation is demanding the
copyright of the Logo & Website Vinnie created be transferred to them
(when the copyright of the old logo & website isn't with them),
yet then accuses Vinnie of trying to take control boost. It's like
narcissists accusing everyone else of being selfish.

I would also recommend the "Boost Foundation" finds a new name.

In short, I trust Vinnie to provide a no nonsense solution to Boost's
infrastructure needs.

> 2.
> The Boost Foundation continues to be the stewards of the
> domain name and related assets. New assets that are meant to be associated
> with the Boost Libraries are transferred to the Boost Foundation. In any
> matters related to the Boost Libraries, the Board will abide by any
> decisions made by the developers but will no longer vote themselves on
> issues as they relate to the Boost Libraries unless there truly is no clear
> consensus or path forward.

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