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From: Joaquin M López Muñoz (joaquinlopezmunoz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-02 09:35:49

El 02/08/2024 a las 10:42, Alexander Grund via Boost escribió:
> Twitter account(s):
> I don't mind the Alliance controlling them as in the past they seemed
> to be the only one with any
> activity there and seemingly did a good job.

Thank you! Unfortunately my write permissions to the X account were removed
on June 18th without prior notice or further clarification.

> I would prefer a shared ownership though such that in case of shifted
> interest someone else in the
> Boost community can take over without the accounts getting abandoned
> by accident.

I totally agree. This is no different to several people having access to
accounts such as

Joaquin M Lopez Munoz

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at