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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-13 10:22:01

pt., 13 wrz 2024 o 11:37 Robert Jones via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

> I'm not close to all this, so forgive me if I speak out of turn, but for me
> the prevailing sentiment is thanks for all you have done, not blame for any
> possible dropping of the ball. We all have lives that demand our attention.



> Kind Regards
> Rob.
> On Fri, 13 Sept 2024 at 08:17, Michael Caisse via Boost <
> boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > On 8/28/24 12:07, Kristen Shaker via Boost wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I wanted to give everyone an update regarding what is happening with
> the
> > > domain. We are working with the lawyer representing the
> Dawes
> > > estate to transfer control. However, Beman Dawes was the only one with
> > the
> > > credentials, and the transfer process without them is onerous. It may
> > take
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > It was brought to my attention that there are questions about the timing
> > (or lack of) with the registrar transfer for I don't see
> > where that thread might be ... but this one has "domain" in the subject
> > so it will work (o;
> >
> > In May 2022 (ironically while "boostcon" was in progress),
> > stopped working. I was personally paying the easyDNS bill and had
> > naively assumed that it included the registrar fee. I had Beman's
> > credentials for easyDNS because I had helped him on occasion with DNS
> > configurations.
> >
> > After a couple hours on the phone with the registrar we established that
> > bill had not been paid, the owner was deceased, and the paperwork had
> > been emailed to me to begin the transfer petition. Unfortunately, we
> > still were at an impasse on how to re-establish the domain in short time
> > until I simply offered to pay the balance plus multiple years of future
> > fees. Ends up, they don't really care who pays the bill as long as the
> > bill gets paid. So I personally paid the fees and within a short time
> > was back up.
> >
> > In my personal life, I was shutting down Ciere Consulting and starting a
> > new job. With the dozens of pressures that required my immediate
> > attention, completing the legal paperwork was not one of them. So, I
> > didn't do the paperwork. The registrar was paid and all the
> > configuration was via openDNS.
> >
> > Was that irresponsible and poor judgement on my part? Sure, if you want
> > to take that spin, go for it. From my view it was a reasonable
> > assessment of risk. Why was the paperwork never completed? Because it
> > certainly wasn't very high on my list of things to do. Was that
> > irresponsible and poor judgement in 2024? Probably so, especially with
> > the uptick in popularity of but here we are.
> >
> > For many years I've stepped in and paid bills or cleared problems so
> > that things just keep working. I just noticed that the Boost Docker
> > subscription renewed. Like many of you I just want to fix things and see
> > stuff move forward. Should I have followed up with proper paperwork or
> > having bills paid by another entity? Absolutely, and that is on me. If
> > folks are looking for who messed up the domain ownership. I am the one
> > who didn't do anything with the domain ownership in a timely manner.
> >
> > michael
> >
> > --
> > Michael Caisse
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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