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Boost :

From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir.prus_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-13 11:41:15

On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 12:21 PM Ion Gaztañaga via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> El 13/09/2024 a las 12:22, Andrzej Krzemienski via Boost escribió:
> > pt., 13 wrz 2024 o 11:37 Robert Jones via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>
> > napisał(a):
> >
> >> I'm not close to all this, so forgive me if I speak out of turn, but
> for me
> >> the prevailing sentiment is thanks for all you have done, not blame for
> any
> >> possible dropping of the ball. We all have lives that demand our
> attention.
> Michael/Ciere have done tremendous amount of (good) job for Boost during
> all these years. Thanks!


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