CS:EIP Symbol + Offset 64-bit Total % Timer samples 0x409dd0 ejg::statistics::ks_test >,double> 12.37 11661 0x40a400 std::_Unguarded_partition 9.74 9183 0x40d330 strtoxl 9.71 9157 0x408f40 ejg::generic_timer<_LARGE_INTEGER,long>::measure_execution_result<_LARGE_INTEGER (__cdecl*)(void)> 3.75 3533 0x401a50 wrap_qi_parse 3.47 3272 0x40aa80 std::_Insertion_sort1 0.94 884 0x401910 wrap_atoi 0.66 625 0x40d55b strtol 0.6 569 0x4019b0 wrap_strtol 0.43 401 0x40d2ae _LocaleUpdate::_LocaleUpdate 0.39 364 0x40d823 atol 0.21 194 0x40a7f0 std::_Median 0.18 174 0x4099d0 std::_Sort 0.08 77 0x413db4 TrailUpVec 0.05 47 0x401900 elapsed 0.03 27 0x409d20 ejg::generic_timer<_LARGE_INTEGER,long>::time_raw_atom 0.03 27 0x40d834 atoi 0.03 26 0x40d839 memmove_s 0.03 25 0x413c40 memmove 0.02 19 0x4018e0 getticks 0.01 14 0x40a6d0 ejg::statistics::qks 0.01 6 0x413ee4 UnwindDownVec 0.01 8 0x4203fa __libm_sse2_exp 0.01 5 0x4068d0 std::vector >::_Construct_n 0 1 0x40cc1c clock 0 3 0x40cf80 ceil 0 3 0x40cfc0 _ceil_pentium4 0 2 0x411970 _aulldiv 0 2 0x4119e0 _allmul 0 1 0x413d48 UnwindUpVec 0 2 0x413f50 TrailDownVec 0 4 31 functions, 718 instructions, Total: 40316 samples, 100.00% of samples in the module, 42.76% of total session samples