#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # =========================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. # Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France. # Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Mateusz Loskot (mateusz@loskot.net), London, UK # # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, # Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # ============================================================================ import os, sys os.chdir(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) if 'DOXYGEN' in os.environ: doxygen_cmd = os.environ['DOXYGEN'] else: doxygen_cmd = 'doxygen' if 'DOXYGEN_XML2QBK' in os.environ: doxygen_xml2qbk_cmd = os.environ['DOXYGEN_XML2QBK'] else: doxygen_xml2qbk_cmd = 'doxygen_xml2qbk' cmd = doxygen_xml2qbk_cmd cmd = cmd + " --xml doxy/doxygen_output/xml/%s.xml" cmd = cmd + " --start_include boost/geometry/" cmd = cmd + " --convenience_header_path ../../../boost/geometry/" cmd = cmd + " --convenience_headers geometry.hpp,geometries/geometries.hpp,multi/multi.hpp" cmd = cmd + " --skip_namespace boost::geometry::" cmd = cmd + " --copyright src/copyright_block.qbk" cmd = cmd + " > generated/%s.qbk" def call_doxygen(): os.chdir("doxy"); os.system(doxygen_cmd) os.chdir("..") def group_to_quickbook(section): os.system(cmd % ("group__" + section.replace("_", "__"), section)) def model_to_quickbook(section): os.system(cmd % ("classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1" + section.replace("_", "__"), section)) def model_to_quickbook2(classname, section): os.system(cmd % ("classboost_1_1geometry_1_1model_1_1" + classname, section)) def struct_to_quickbook(section): os.system(cmd % ("structboost_1_1geometry_1_1" + section.replace("_", "__"), section)) def class_to_quickbook(section): os.system(cmd % ("classboost_1_1geometry_1_1" + section.replace("_", "__"), section)) def strategy_to_quickbook(section): p = section.find("::") ns = section[:p] strategy = section[p+2:] os.system(cmd % ("classboost_1_1geometry_1_1strategy_1_1" + ns.replace("_", "__") + "_1_1" + strategy.replace("_", "__"), ns + "_" + strategy)) def cs_to_quickbook(section): os.system(cmd % ("structboost_1_1geometry_1_1cs_1_1" + section.replace("_", "__"), section)) call_doxygen() algorithms = ["append", "assign", "make", "clear" , "area", "buffer", "centroid", "convert", "correct", "covered_by" , "convex_hull", "difference", "disjoint", "distance" , "envelope", "equals", "expand", "for_each", "intersection", "intersects" , "length", "num_geometries", "num_interior_rings", "num_points" , "overlaps", "perimeter", "reverse", "simplify", "sym_difference" , "transform", "union", "unique", "within"] access_functions = ["get", "set", "exterior_ring", "interior_rings" , "num_points", "num_interior_rings", "num_geometries"] coordinate_systems = ["cartesian", "geographic", "polar", "spherical", "spherical_equatorial"] core = ["closure", "coordinate_system", "coordinate_type", "cs_tag" , "dimension", "exception", "interior_type" , "degree", "radian" , "is_radian", "point_order" , "point_type", "ring_type", "tag", "tag_cast" ] exceptions = ["exception", "centroid_exception"]; iterators = ["circular_iterator", "closing_iterator" , "ever_circling_iterator"] models = ["point", "linestring", "box" , "polygon", "segment", "ring" , "multi_linestring", "multi_point", "multi_polygon", "referring_segment"] strategies = ["distance::pythagoras", "distance::haversine" , "distance::cross_track", "distance::projected_point" , "within::winding", "within::franklin", "within::crossings_multiply" , "area::surveyor", "area::huiller" , "centroid::bashein_detmer", "centroid::average" , "convex_hull::graham_andrew" , "simplify::douglas_peucker" , "side::side_by_triangle", "side::side_by_cross_track", "side::spherical_side_formula" , "transform::inverse_transformer", "transform::map_transformer" , "transform::rotate_transformer", "transform::scale_transformer" , "transform::translate_transformer", "transform::ublas_transformer" ] views = ["box_view", "segment_view" , "closeable_view", "reversible_view", "identity_view"] for i in algorithms: group_to_quickbook(i) for i in access_functions: group_to_quickbook(i) for i in coordinate_systems: cs_to_quickbook(i) for i in core: struct_to_quickbook(i) for i in exceptions: class_to_quickbook(i) for i in iterators: struct_to_quickbook(i) for i in models: model_to_quickbook(i) for i in strategies: strategy_to_quickbook(i) for i in views: struct_to_quickbook(i) model_to_quickbook2("d2_1_1point__xy", "point_xy") group_to_quickbook("arithmetic") group_to_quickbook("register") group_to_quickbook("enum") # Use either bjam or b2 or ../../../b2 (the last should be done on Release branch) os.system("bjam")