Re: [Boost-docs] Can't build bjam docs

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] Can't build bjam docs
From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-18 17:06:34

John Maddock wrote:
>>From quickbook 1.4 onwards, you can have paragraphs in table cells:
> [table
> [[heading1][heading2]]
> [[one para][two
> para]]
> ]

Doesn't really help as I don't want all the extra space given to
paragraphs. Especially not inside a table cell that's supposed to be
small. I decided to just write some templates with custom DocBook as:

[template literal[text]'''<literallayout>'''[text]'''</literallayout>''']
[template list[items]'''<itemizedlist>'''[items]'''</itemizedlist>''']
[template orderedlist[items]'''<orderedlist>'''[items]'''</orderedlist>''']
[template li[text]'''<listitem>'''[text]'''</listitem>''']
[template lines[items]'''<simplelist type='vert'
[template line[text]'''<member>'''[text]'''</member>''']

It makes for more typing, but it works to get the structure I need.

[ [=build.bat=] [Windows NT, 2000, and XP]
         [line [@ =borland=]]
         [line [@ Borland] C++Builder (BCC 5.5)]
         [li Common install location: "=C:\Borland\BCC55="]
         [li =BCC32.EXE= in =PATH=]

We'll just have to work on making Quickbook do such things
automatically, i.e. with the standard qbk syntax.

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