Re: [Boost-docs] HTML to PDF translations?

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] HTML to PDF translations?
From: Deane Yang (deane.yang_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-02-13 05:20:14

John Maddock wrote:
>>>> I think we need to make it easier to get the toolchain working
>>>> (figuring out
>>>> why it doesn't is the major hassle), and provide a template and
>>>> testing pack
>>>> to get new documenters started.
>>> Don't forget a WYSIWYG editor:-)
> I think a WYSIWYG editor is rather missing the point - DocBook is not
> based around how things *look*, but around how they are *structured*.
> It's an important conceptual difference IMO.

I'd just like to support this view. In the long run, I find it easier
and more efficient to work with a document structuring approach such as
LaTeX or DocBook than a descriptive approach such as TeX or a WYSIWYG
editor. I suppose LyX is an attempt to have it both ways, but I haven't
really tried it seriously.

For example, to me LaTeX is to TeX what C++ is to C.

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