Re: [Boost-docs] [auto-index] Generating an index in PDF output

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] [auto-index] Generating an index in PDF output
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-26 17:13:27

> It works fine but I get no index entries in my pdf output, just an empty
> Index section. In the auto-index output it is definitely picking up the
> entries from the scan. In the HTML output I do see the Index entries.
> My command line is:
> bjam --enable-index --boost=C:/Programming/VersionControl/boost
> toolset=msvc-10.0 pdf
> It is true that I get no Index items in PDF even when I comment out the
> line in my jamfile which says:
> # <auto-index-type>appendix

Weird, works for me. Can you have a look at the contents of the .docbook
file generated and see if the <indexterm>'s are in there OK?

Also check that the xsl:param generate.index=1 (this should be the default

>> So either change the document type, or don't try and use an appendix.
> I made the type 'library' because tti is a library. I notice 'library' is
> designated for other Boost libraries like Type Traits.

"library" is really a synonym for "chapter", and is designed for use where
multiple libraries are built together into one big documentation tree, if
you're going to building the HTML standalone then "article" may be better.

> If I do not use appendix, then how can I get the index to appear at the
> end of my documentation on a separate page ? Or is it not possible to do
> this once my document type is 'library' ?

You can use anything that will fit inside a "chapter" element and will act
as a suitable container, choices seem to be:

section - starts a new page.
index - puts the index on the title page.
sect1 - probably deprecated?

So really choice is "section", and that just happens to be the default :-)


PS, am in the process of adding some error handling to catch invalid XML
early. I guess I should try and document what can be used where as

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