Re: [Boost-docs] [boost.test] Documentation update of master

Subject: Re: [Boost-docs] [boost.test] Documentation update of master
From: Raffi Enficiaud (raffi.enficiaud_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-07-08 20:40:40

Le 07/07/15 14:26, John Maddock a écrit :
> I think there are some scripts somewhere that will build quickbook docs
> on demand for a release without needing to commit docs to Git, but I'm
> afraid I don't know anything about that.

This is what I want in fact, sorry for the confusion. On develop branch,
the doc is automatically built and pushed to a server:

I want to make sure that the new documentation of boost.test is
available with the next release 1.59, since now the documentation is
merged to master.
If I recall, there was a manual intervention to make some script
understand that boost.test should be built and pushed to the webserver
with the other documents.

But I know nothing about that process. My fear is that boost.test
updated doc will not be visible on the website.


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