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From: Karl Meerbergen (Karl.Meerbergen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-28 08:57:11

Dear Jeremy,

Such issues are usually discussed in the ublas mailing list (See CC). I
have not followed the latest discussion on the evolution of lapack
bindings. Some functions have been added recently. I do not recall
discussions on the functions you want to use. Someone can confirm this?

Maybe we should change the phrase "on request" in the paper. Since this
is an open source project and contributions from the community are
highly appreciated. I would encourage you to have a look at e.g. gesv()
and getrf() bindings and see whether you are able to write bindings (I
warn you: it is technical). Otherwise I will try and find some time end
of June.

Best regards,


Jeremy Conlin wrote:

> Your article (link below) concerning C++ bindings to LAPACK was
> recently brought to my attention. In that article is mentioned that
> additional bindings could be written upon request. May I make a
> request? Currently I need to calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors
> of an upper Hessenberg matrix. This can be accomplished with the
> following functions
> Those functions take advantage of the upper Hessenberg matrix
> structure. I also need the functions that are used for QR
> factorization and the QR algorithm, but I believe those are already
> implemented in geqrf.hpp
> Thank you,
> Jeremy Conlin