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Subject: [ublas] question about the atlas and
From: Kaveh Kohan (kaveh.kohan_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-31 16:38:52

Dear All, I am a new user to the boost library. Actually, part of the algorithm I am developing needs efficient matrix-matrix multiplication. I have tried various libraries including (GMM++, VNL, gsl) and unfortunately non of them performed well comparing to MATLAB. To measure efficiency, I perform a simple matrix-matrix product. I read in the following thread that if one uses atlas instead of blas for dense matrices, she gets order of magniture boost in the performance: So here is my question: - I am a Linux user (Ubuntu 8.10, 64bit, gcc 4.3.2, 4Gig RAM) and I have isntalled boost using repository. It seems that atals is not officially part of the boost (pleas correct me if I am wrong)? Could anybody kindly tell how I can install it? I know that I should find in the sandbox but I could find any instruction or step through. - My program involves multiplication of very tall matrix by almost square matrix (1000000x 30 by 30 x 30). I have performed this multiplication using gsl and it produced the result after 4.1second. Similar operation, using ublas took about 37second! Similar operation takes about 0.5second in MATLAB. I presume that there is a blunder in my program but I cannot figure it out: #include <iostream> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp> #include <boost/timer.hpp> # include <sys/time.h> namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas; using namespace std; double gettime() { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); return (double)t.tv_sec+t.tv_usec*0.000001; } void initmatrix(ublas::matrix<double>& A) { for(size_t i = 0; i<A.size1(); i++) for(size_t j = 0; j<A.size2(); j++) A(i,j) = 1.0*rand(); } void initmatrix(ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major>& A) { for(size_t i = 0; i<A.size1(); i++) for(size_t j = 0; j<A.size2(); j++) A(i,j) = 1.0*rand(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long int D,r,n ; //std::clock_t start; //double diff; double t1,t2 ; //D = 1000 ; D = atoi(argv[1]) ; //r = 1000 ; r = atoi(argv[2]) ; //n = 1000 ; n = atoi(argv[3]) ; { cout << "ublas "; ublas::matrix<double> A(D,r); ublas::matrix<double,ublas::column_major> B(r,n); ublas::matrix<double> X(D,n); initmatrix(A); initmatrix(B); cout << "default implementation in blas" << endl ; t1 = gettime() ; X = ublas::prod(A,B) ; t2 = gettime() ; cout << "Time : " << t2 - t1 << endl; cout << "implementation using atlas" << endl ; } } I reas some where that if I replace multiplication line with: X = ublas::prod< ublas::matrix<double> >(A,B); but I get the following error when I do that: test1.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: test1.cpp:64: error: call of overloaded ‘prod(boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_row_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >&, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_column_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >&)’ is ambiguous /usr/include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp:4810: note: candidates are: typename boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1, typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type boost::numeric::ublas::prod(const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_expression<E>&, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_expression<E2>&) [with E1 = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_row_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >, E2 = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_column_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >] /usr/include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp:4869: note: M boost::numeric::ublas::prod(const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_expression<E2>&, const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_expression<E2>&) [with M = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_row_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >, E1 = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_row_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >, E2 = boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::basic_column_major<long unsigned int, long int>, boost::numeric::ublas::unbounded_array<double, std::allocator<double> > >] I would be thankfil if any person can help, Regards, Kaveh