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Ublas : |
Subject: Re: [ublas] fixed size vector in boost::numeric::ublas?
From: Markus Grabner (grabner_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-08-05 19:54:24
Nasos Iliopoulos wrote:
> Markus,
> Please find attached some basic tests I did on the fixed types. It seems
> that everything works as expected :).
Thanks! I can confirm that they work with gcc-4.5.
> I did not run the ublas unittests
> though to see whether the changes affect other components. (I don't find
> any reason why it should).
I'll have a look at it when we agreed on the design.
> I am divided between the desire to see the fixed_vector and matrix in
> uBlas and scalability and maintenance concerns.
> 1. Putting the fixed types as they are into uBlas:
> Pros:
> a Does not seem to change the matrix functionality
> b Will give time to people to play before the next release.
> c Does not constitute a major change in the container types.
> Cons:
> d There are maybe some things we are missing and will badly affect other
> uBlas components.
The current fixed_vector proposal is more or less a bounded_vector (with an
additional lower bound which is identical to the upper bound), so it should
be as complete as the bounded_vector.
> e We introduce an ill-conditioned design by having a
> resize function in a fixed container classes (I think Karl is right here,
> although I am not as absolute about the matter).
This is true for the current definition of the vector concept. Is it
acceptable to modify the concept such that the resize method checks the
requested size against a valid range (which is a single integer in the fixed
case) and throws if it is outside? Then the method is still there, but its
semantic is compatible with the fixed vector and matrix types as suggested
by you below.
> 2. Investigating other options like sub-classing the vector_container and
> matrix_container classes: Pros:
> a Certainly does not affect the current state of uBlas at all.
> b There is no vector_container concept in uBlas concepts, we are probably
> free to define it (i.e. without the resize function)
> c Because the fixed
> type do not need an uBlas storagearray, we don't need to satisfy its
> requirements either (we get away with the sizing constructor).
> d Its
> development may be a simple refinement of Markus' fixed containers
> implementation
> Cons:
> e Will probably need a redefinition of many things
> (like iterators for fixed types).
> f We don't know whether containers are
> totally compatible with the rest of uBlas (they should be though,
> otherwise some things should change in uBlas).
> g Its development may take
> much more time than what it looks at a first glance.
> Concerning 1.e.:
> We will indeed be ok with having the resize function just check for size
> compatibility. I would argue though to at least put a warning directive,
> so that we give the developers the time to update their design in case we
> decide to get rid of the resize. In such a case I think I would personally
> feel fairly comfortable going with the current Markus' design.
> Concering 2d and 2g:
> We will need to investigate option 2 because it may solve all the
> problems, especially if it doesn't require extended implementations.
It will solve 1e, but not Jesse's requirement of having the resize() method
even for fixed size types.
> Concerning 2e
> Furthermore we should keep in mind that we might introduce most of the
> functionality of vector into vector_container (similarly for matrix), as
> fixed and dynamic vectors can share a lot.
Sharing of common code is important for maintainability and other obvious
reasons, it should be a high priority goal. The current implementation of
the c_vector has its own iterators etc., which could probably be replaced by
common code.
As far as I understand the ublas design, vector_container is mainly used as
a "connector" between a vector and a vector expression, it may not be the
best place to perform vector arithmetic. Can you sketch the inheritance
hierarchy you have in mind?
Kind regards,
-- Markus Grabner Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a/II, 8010 Graz, Austria WWW: http://www.icg.tugraz.at/Members/grabner