
thanks for all the answers. As you might have guessed by now, Choon and me are working on the same project. I was away so he took over this thread ;-)

Take care,


On 6/30/07, Gunter Winkler <guwi17@gmx.de> wrote:
Am Freitag, 29. Juni 2007 12:53 schrieb Markus Weimer:
> This version often is 10-20 times faster than the prod in uBLAS on
> sparse M. While this is all good, the implementation in test_fast()
> in the attached source is sometimes 1000 times faster on very sparse
> matrices, for example when running the code with the following
> parameters:

ublas compressed_matrix
M: 100000x10000
rightmult time            : 0.0100
our ublas leftmult time   : 30.5100
ublas leftmult time       : 0.0200
rightmult 1-norm          : 1001294.00000000
ublas leftmult 1-norm     : 1001294.00000000
our ublas leftmult 1-norm : 1001294.00000000

uBLAS is quite fast here ;-)

#include <boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp>
template <class MType>
void test_ublas(const size_t row, const size_t col, const char* data,
const unsigned int maxloop){
  MType X(row,col);
  fill_ublas(row, col, data, X);
  vector<double> w(X.size2());
  for(size_t i=0; i<w.size(); ++i) w(i) = 1.0;

  vector<double> result( X.size1());

  const clock_t rightMultStartTime = clock();
  for(unsigned int loop=0; loop<maxloop; loop++) {
    // result = prod(X, w);
    axpy_prod(X, w, result, true);
  const clock_t rightMultEndTime  = clock();
  const double rm_1norm = norm_1(result);

  vector<double> l(row);
  for(size_t i=0; i<l.size(); ++i){
    l[i] = 1.0;

  vector<double> ourGrad(X.size2());

  const clock_t leftMultStartTime = clock();
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxloop; i++) {
    ourGrad = ourProd<vector<double>, MType, vector<double> >(l,X);
  const clock_t leftMultEndTime = clock();
  const double our_l1norm = norm_1(ourGrad);
  assert(l.size() == row);
  assert(ourGrad.size() == col);
  assert(X.size1() == row);
  assert(X.size2() == col);

  vector<double> uBLASGrad(X.size2());
  const clock_t uBlasLeftMultStart = clock();
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxloop; i++) {
    // uBLASGrad = prod(l, X);
    axpy_prod(trans(X), l, uBLASGrad, true);

  const clock_t uBlasLeftMultStop = clock();
  const double ublas_l1norm = norm_1(uBLASGrad);

  const double ublasleftTime  = ((double)(uBlasLeftMultStop -
  const double leftTime       = ((double)(leftMultEndTime -
  const double rightTime      = ((double)(rightMultEndTime -

  // display time elapsed
  printf("rightmult time            : %.4lf\n",rightTime);
  printf("our ublas leftmult time   : %.4lf\n",leftTime);
  printf("ublas leftmult time       : %.4lf\n",ublasleftTime);
  printf("rightmult 1-norm          : %.8lf\n",rm_1norm);
  printf("ublas leftmult 1-norm     : %.8lf\n",ublas_l1norm);
  printf("our ublas leftmult 1-norm : %.8lf\n",our_l1norm);


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