I would really appreciate it when someone could explain to me why the code snippet below does not work; I would like to extract unit_lower or strict_lower triangular matrices from a general matrix, but it seems I am doing something wrong. Any help would be highly appreciated!
Kind regards,
Pieter Ober
// **********
matrix<double> M (3, 3);
triangular_matrix<double,lower> L;
triangular_matrix<double,unit_lower> UL;
triangular_matrix<double,strict_lower> SL;
L = triangular_adaptor<matrix<double>, lower> (M);
UL = triangular_adaptor<matrix<double>, unit_lower> (M);   // throws a "boost::numeric::ublas::bad_index" exception
SL = triangular_adaptor<matrix<double>, strict_lower> (M); // throws a "boost::numeric::ublas::bad_index" exception
// **********