Please, I'm looking for some guidance to install.
1) I downloaded
2) and extracted it in /tmp
boost-bindings apparently contains
some install files
3) ran
/tmp/boost-bindings$ ./configure
/tmp/boost-bindings$ make
/tmp/boost-bindings$ make install
which apparently copies boost-bindings/boost to /usr/local/include
previously I ran into the problem that *.h were not copied, but now they are, thanks -apparently- to a new make script.
4) /tmp/libs/ contains
Not very familiar with bjam but installed and tested it (the hello example) anyway. What do i do now? I tried
/tmp/boost-bindings/libs$ bjam
error: Could not find parent for project at '.'
error: Did not find Jamfile.jam or Jamroot.jam in any parent directory.
only got so far... a little help would be appreciated.