I don't think the '+' operator is overloaded for vectors and scalar values.

You could do something like this:

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> Vector_t;
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::scalar_vector<typename Vector_t::value_type> ScalarVector_t;

Vector_t a(3);
a(0) = 0; a(1)=1; a(2)=2;

Vector_t b = a * 0.5; //works

Vector_t c(a);
c.plus_assign(ScalarVector_t(c.size(), 0.5));

Hope this helps.


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Johan Compen <johanc@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm using the vector and matrix classes in Boost to convert some
Matlab code to C++. I'm having troubles with this code:

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> Vector_t;
Vector_t a(3);
a(0) = 0; a(1)=1; a(2)=2;

Vector_t b = a * 0.5; //works
Vector_t c = a + 0.5; //compiler error

error C2678: binary '+' : no operator found which takes a left-hand
operand of type 'Vector_t' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

How can I solve this? How can I add a constant value to each element
in a vector?

bye, Johan.
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