I think I have MUMPS successfully working with:
* An older copy of the mumps bindings from: http://mathema.tician.de/dl/software/boost-numeric-bindings
* This was coupled with the traits that I had had from a previous buiild: http://www.terborg.net/numeric_bindings_20090209.zip
* And the latest bindings from the boost sandbox (which probably have no effect on this).
* MUMPS compiled with Winmumps and bound to Intel MKL for blas, lapack, etc.

The regression test in the mumps lib directory seems to work. The only changes I made were in mumps_driver_4_8_0
* I changed the includes: #include <smumps_c.h> to #include <mumps/smumps_c.h>, etc.
* This probably makes sense in general since the mumps libraries are not likely to be installed in the root include.
