
I'm trying to use a  'computational/stegr' binding  in my program, but I always get
STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILUE when the complex values are used.
I have read the lapack/computational/stegr.hpp and have found that , in the template
function to call stegr, value_type is declared as

  typedef typename traits::vector_traits< VectorD >::value_type value_type;

Because VectorD is a real vector even in the complex version of stegr, the template
function of stegr always trying to instantiate stegr_impl with real types.
A proper declaration of value_type should be

  typedef typename traits::matrix_traits< MatrixZ >::value_type value_type;

I think some modifications for lapack_generator.py are required to fix this problem.
Is it easy to fix?

Hidekazu Ikeno