Thanks. Now traits::is_complex<std::complex<T> > is evaluated as expected.

I found one more bug in stegr template funstions.
The arguments vl, vu and abstol should be real type, i.e.,

template< typename VectorD, typename VectorE, typename VectorW,
        typename MatrixZ, typename VectorISUPPZ >
inline integer_t stegr( char const jobz, char const range,
        integer_t const n, VectorD& d, VectorE& e,
        typename traits::matrix_traits< MatrixZ >::value_type const vl,  //  <--
        typename traits::matrix_traits< MatrixZ >::value_type const vu, // <--
        integer_t const il, integer_t const iu,
        typename traits::matrix_traits< MatrixZ >::value_type const abstol, // <--
        integer_t& m, VectorW& w, MatrixZ& z, VectorISUPPZ& isuppz );

should be modified to

template< typename VectorD, typename VectorE, typename VectorW,
        typename MatrixZ, typename VectorISUPPZ >
inline integer_t stegr( char const jobz, char const range,
        integer_t const n, VectorD& d, VectorE& e,
        typename traits::vector_traits< VectorW >::value_type const vl, // <--
        typename traits::vector_traits< VectorW >::value_type const vu, // <--
        integer_t const il, integer_t const iu,
        typename traits::vector_traits< VectorW >::value_type const abstol, // <--
        integer_t& m, VectorW& w, MatrixZ& z, VectorISUPPZ& isuppz );

(it's really complicated...).

At the moment, the binding works fines if we call stegr_impl<T>::invoke() directly.

Best regards,

Hidekazu Ikeno

2009/4/13 Rutger ter Borg <>

Thanks, I've updated traits/is_complex to default to the boost::is_complex
metafunction in stead of the false type. This will allow users of the
bindings to override for custom complex types. I've committed it, hopefully
this solves this issue.

Kind regards,

Rutger ter Borg

Hidekazu Ikeno wrote:
> Do you have idea to aviod this problem?
> One possible solution is using boost::type_traits::is_complex<ValueType>
> instead of
> boost::numeric::bindings::traits::is_complex<ValueType>.

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