As discussed in previous posts, people really can't get past the lack of * overloading in ublas.  I know this was partially a philosophical/design decision, but it is extremely important to "joe user".  Can this be easily remedied?

Here is a simple patch for discussion that implements:
    matrix<double> A;
    vector<double> y;

    cout << 2.0 * y << endl;
    cout << y * 2 << endl;
    cout << A * 2 << endl;
    cout << 2 * A  << endl;
    cout << A * y << endl;
    cout << y * A  << endl;
    cout << A * A << endl;

The patch can be applied in the ublas directory.  All it does is:
What is missing:
The big one, of course, is nested matrix multiplications..  I don't entirely know how to do it, but here is my proposal: