well, even if it's inconsistent, it will serve as a base to the implementation of those algorithms into uBlas. I do not expect them to integrate "for free" but thanks to Frederic, we have a good starting point now. Some work needs to be done so that to make things more generic.

2010/5/10 Frédéric Devernay <frederic.devernay@inrialpes.fr>

Le 9 mai 2010 à 02:12, Nasos Iliopoulos a écrit :

If this is the case, I think there should be a short discussion of the interface uBlas may adopt to communicate with such algorithms. I am not sure if the Function objects would be appropriate. Maybe simple function calls to algorithms would be more generic (and if somebody wants to wrap it into a functor it would be elementary). Anyway the maintainers will decide how they feel this should be done.

I agree with that, I picked up the interface from Jama, but it's clearly inconsistent with the rest of ublas. I'll leave this discussion to ublas maintainers, though.


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