
thanks for the answers to my last posting, but I had a mistake. I don't need the eigenvalues of a symmetric real matrix, otherwise I need the values of a squared real matrix.

I have found the DGEEV in the LAPACk and try to translate it to the Boost bindings with:

T is set to double.
ublas::matrix<T, ublas::column_major> l_matrix( size, size);
// filling 

ublas::vector<T> l_eigval(l_matrix.size1());


ublas::vector<T> x(l_matrix.size1());
ublas::matrix<T, ublas::column_major> y(l_matrix.size1(),l_matrix.size1());
ublas::matrix<T, ublas::column_major> z(l_matrix.size1(),l_matrix.size1());


lapack::geev( 'U', 'L', l_matrix, l_eigval,  x,y,z, lapack::optimal_workspace() );

I've found a older thread http://old.nabble.com/lapack%3A%3Ageev%28%29-ts20459534.html and try to get working code. I can compile my code, but I get the runtime error: 
Parameter 1 to routine DGEEV  was incorrect
Mac OS BLAS parameter error in DGEEV , parameter #0, (unavailable), is 0

I set the 5th, 6th and 7th parameter to 0 / NULL and run into compiling error. I have read this http://www.calerga.com/doc/LME_lapk.htm list to connect the matlab "eig" call to the DEEGV call

Can anyone help me to solve the problem, so that I'll get the correct values?

