I noticed that ublas is very slow  in sparse matrix matrix and matrix vector multiplications compared to Mathematica, Eigen and MTL4. I recently found the boost-numeric-binding, followed the steps mentioned here, but gained no speed ! 

I compile my program as: 
g++ -O3 goUBLAS.cpp -I/home/tarek/go/boost-bindings/include/boost-numeric-bindings/

Do I have to change the path of the boost header files in my program?

By the way, When I installed the bindings, I got this message
for header in `find boost -name '*.hpp' -o -name '*.h'`; do \
  tgt_dir=~/go/boost-bindings/include/boost-numeric-bindings; \
  mkdir -p `dirname $tgt_dir/$header`; \
  cp $header $tgt_dir/$header ; \

Does it tell me to do extra steps to let the bindings work?