Am 29.11.2011 um 20:57 schrieb Thomas Klimpel:

Kraus Philipp wrote:
mmmh, that's bad. I'm using boost 1.48 also.
Should I downgrade my Boost version (I have installed the 1.47)?

No, as I said, I couldn't reproduce the problem even after upgrading to 1.48.

Can you remove the call to "blas::nrm2(vec3)" or at least call "ublas::norm_2(vec3)" first,
so that "memory corruption" by "blas::nrm2(vec3)" can be excluded?

That was the important part. It basically means that you should verify whether the problem goes away if you don't use the bindings and ATLAS at all.

Sorry, no change. I have removed all includes to the bindings and linker options to the cblas / atlas.

Only the std::cout << "ublas:\t" << ublas::norm_2(vec3) << std::endl; is run and only the boost::numeric::ublas structures are used.
