
I checked out the boost bindings from the svn
there is Jamroot file so I thought to build it with bjam
First do I need to build it?
How do I build and configure it? couldt find a readme.


but this are the errors I am getting.

Jamroot:16: in modules.load
*** argument error
* rule path-constant ( name : value + )
* called with: ( BOOST_ROOT :  )
* missing argument value
/usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:1007:see definition of rule 'path-constant' being called
/usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:314: in load-jamfile
/usr/share/boost-build/build/project.jam:62: in load

On 5 October 2012 23:06, sguazt <marco.guazzone@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Dhruv <bhattdh@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to configure Numeric Library Bindings for Boost
> UBlas(http://mathema.tician.de/software/boost-numeric-bindings) into my Visual
> Studio 2008 environment.
> I am able to include geev.h into my project from numeric binding.
> I am using boost matrix to calculate eigenvalues/vectors.
> I have downlaoded lapack.lib from http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-for-windows/lapack/
> There are actually different option to download lapack library there:
> -> Prebuilt static libraries using INTEL Compilers
> -> Prebuilt dynamic libraries using Mingw
> I am not sure which one to use so I tried all of them but no luck.
> and added it to liners->input->additional dependencies in visual studio.
> I already have boost configured and working in visual studio.
> Bellow is the error I am getting. I get same error even if I remove lapack
> library from linker.
> error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _dgeev referenced in function "int
> __cdecl boost::numeric::bindings::lapack::detail::geev_backend(char const *,char
> const *,int const *,double *,int const *,double *,double *,double *,int const
> *,double *,int const *,double *,int const *)"
> (?geev_backend@detail@lapack@bindings@numeric@boost@@YAHPBD0PBHPAN122212121@Z)
> I am new to c++ and visual studio and not sure whats going wrong here.


I cannot help you with that error (I am a Linux user), but I would
suggest you to try the more recent version of boost-numeric_bindings
that you can find in the Boost sandbox:


You can download it through Subversion:

svn co http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/numeric_bindings

Hope this helps.


-- Marco
ublas mailing list
Sent to: wewolski@gmail.com

Witold Eryk Wolski

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