On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 1:47 PM, David Bellot <david.bellot@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi guys,

I proposed a Google Summer of Code project for uBLAS.
It's based on the wish list that has been done
some time ago a long time ago.

The main idea is to refactor vector into matrix to have only one internal and external representation, one set of algorithm. As a convenience, the class vector<> will still exist and will, for example, be by default a row-vector (like a simple C-array would be). Or a column-vector if we prefer but I think matlab is row-oriented by default (and I hate R which is column oriented, even if I use it every single day at work !!! :-D :-D ah ah ah ah ! Let the flame war begin)

OK, the idea behind this is to have a clean framework to enable optimization based on SSE, Neon, multi-core, ... you name it.
I'm sure the student who will work on that will take inspiration from boost::bindings, Eigen, Armadillo, etc...
The project is very open, so suggestions are most welcome.


Thank you David.

Good to know that uBLAS is still alive :)

What I like to have in uBLAS is a richer math library like we have in MATLAB/Octave.
I've already begun a similar project some time ago, to use in some research project.
It uses the wonderful boost-numeric_bindings libs to interface with LAPACK.

Unfortunately I have too few time to maintain it and to provide boost-quality code.
Anyway, if someone or some GSOC student wants to contribute, the code is available on GitHub:



-- Marco