
This is very good news, indeed!

Could I ask whether there are plans to rewrite the iterator interface of ublas? As only the parallelization oriented projects were accepted to ublas, are there still plans for the unification of vector and matrix interface?

Otherwise i would like to propose a set of changes. I implemented most of them in my local fork (which is however not fully operational because this turned out to be a lot of work...), and it should resolve most of the basic performance issues regarding sparse operations.

1. replace the current matrix iterators with iterators iterating ONLY a single row or column. Remove dual iterators.
The interface could look like
typedef ... row_iterator;
typedef ... const_row_iterator;
row_iterator row_begin(size_type row_index), row_iterator row_end(size_type row_index)
 (same for column).

1.1 Dual operators are costly to implement as the iterators always need two sets of states. This is no problem for dense as the set is more or less the current index (i,j) but for sparse vectors there is a considerable overhead (factor 3 in run time, not counting find() which is also really slow)
1.2 The matrix iterators are essentially the same as for the vectors. for example in matrix addition the exact same iterator can be used only iterating over row-iterators instead of vector iterators. This saves a lot of code
1.3 the same holds for row and column iterators! For example dense row/column and dense vector iterators can be implemented using one class (using the current position in the storage array and stride). Very often this also holds for const and non-const.
1.4 Most proxies are easy to implement. for example matrix_row and matrix_column can just return matrix_row(i); Also for example a matrix_transpose-proxy class (replacing matrix_unary2 which can be implemented using matrix_transpose + matrix_unary1) is incredible simple.
1.5 One could interpret this change as unification of vectors and matrices by regarding matrices as a set of vectors(rows/columns).

There is a small disadvantage:
This proposed interface can't skip empty rows/columns in sparse-matrices. However assuming nnz>rows this should not make a notable difference in most cases.

On my local fork I used a ~25.000 loc subset of ublas which is now well below 9000 lines after applying these changes.

2. replace make_conformant in assignment by something new.
The problem for sparse vectors/matrices is that aliasing has a different meaning than for dense. for example two rows of a dense matrix only alias if they are pointing to the same memory. This does not hold for sparse matrices as changes in the one row might invalidate iterators in the other.

The way ublas solves the problem is to first check which non-zero elements are created by the assigned expression, than create the missing entries in the target proxy and afterwards assign the expression (this might need some documentation in matrix_assign, took my long to figure out what make_conformant does).

This evaluates the expression twice because we first have to know which elements are non-zero and than we can assign them. I propose to merge both to one operation:

right now make_conformant creates an std::vector<std::size_t> (in the vector-assignment case) storing the new indices which are than inserted afterwards.

what about:

template<class value_type>
struct Element{
    std::size_t index;
    value_type value;

std::vector<Element<Vector::value_type> > new_elements?

In this way we would at last not have to evaluate the expression twice.

3. extend sparse interfaces.
Even with the proposed change, make_conformant is slow, because inserting in a compressed_vector using operator() is O(log(n)).
so i propose a new method for vectors(and similar for matrices):

iterator set_element(iterator position,size_type index, value_type value);

which inserts the element (index,value) at position returning an iterator to the newly inserted element.This way insertion of k elements in a vector with n elements can be implmented in O(n+k). This could also replace the current push_back method as it is a special case with vec.set_element(vec.end(),index,value);

similarly we should have operations like reserve/reserve_row etc in proxies to make the make_conformant case fast.

Also swapping might need some love as this is ridiculous right now (i need that some times and right now just straight copying the reordered matrices is a lot faster)

4. Only one sparse-matrix for all.
Optimizing code for sparse matrices is hard. Optimizing it for multiple formats is impossibly hard. I would propose to remove all variants of the sparse matrix except compressed_matrix. This should be reimplemented such that it is not densely packed inside the arrays but instead there should be a bit of space between the matrix rows (or columns depending on orientation). This way inserting elements in the middle (as with operator+=) is not as expensive.

Ohh, this was rather long. But I want to get this discussion rolling, as I regard sparseness as an important feature of ublas. Please ask if you have questions! I am happy to elaborate on unclear points.


On 28.05.2013 17:41, Nasos Iliopoulos wrote:
additionally with the boost transition to github we are planning to make contributing to uBlas much easier. We would like though to stress quality  and find a way to define performance requirements specifications. When the github repo (a fork of boostorg/ublas) is ready (I hope I can have it ready this weekend) we will include instructions on how to work with pull requests (to submit an algorithm or a small bugfix for example), or in cases where larger involvement is required maybe give access to the ublas development repo to ppl that want to contribute.


On 05/28/2013 10:59 AM, Salman Javaid wrote:
Are there any plans to integrate Karl's QR Decomposition implementation into Boost.uBLAS? I will be grateful for a response.

Best Regards,
Salman Javaid

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Karl Rupp <rupp@iue.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
Hi guys,

I have a working implementation of QR for uBLAS in ViennaCL for about a year already:


Feel free to copy&paste and relicense as needed, I agree to whatever is necessary to integrate into uBLAS if of interest.

There is a bit of duplication for the ViennaCL types (requiring host<->GPU transfers) and the uBLAS types (operating in main RAM), yet it gives an idea how things can be implemented. It can certainly be improved here and there (more details on request), yet it addresses most of the points raised by Oswin. And it's faster than a standard LAPACK for sizes above ~1k times 1k.

I recommend extracting the Householder reflections into a nice separate interface, since this functionality will also be needed for other algorithms like SVD or GMRES. As a nice side effect, it makes the implementation for QR more compact.

Generally, in order to get *any* reasonable performance, one really needs to use matrix-matrix multiplications where possible in order to avoid the memory bandwidth bottleneck.

Best regards,

On 05/16/2013 01:06 AM, oswin krause wrote:

These are further good points!

I also came up with a few new ones(and tips!):

- QR needs pivoting. It's main usages are SVD and pseudo-inverses. In
both cases the input does not necessary have full rank. Also pivoting
helps for matrices with high condition numbers.

- For the same reasons H was not formed explicitly, Q should not be
formed. Instead there should be a version of the algorithm which does
only return the reflection vectors forming Q.

- For dense matrices at least, it is possible to do the QR in-place by
storing the R part as lower triangular and the householder
transformation vectors in the upper triangular. (That is very similar to
how LU is implemented).

- The best sources for algorithmic information are the LAPACK working notes.

In your case lawn114 sems to be the most relevant, even though it
assumes a fast BLAS3.


On 16.05.2013 05:32, Nasos Iliopoulos wrote:
That's not a bad start.

I think Oswin covered a whole lot of items here, but a more complete
algorithm needs to satisfy some or all of  the following:

- The algortihm should have a dispatch mechanism so that optimized
versions for various matrix types can be provided. (sparse, banded,
etc.). You don't necessarily need to provide them all to start with.
- The algorithm should operate on matrix expressions rather than
matrices (so it can be applied to for example subranges). Static
dispatch or overload if for some reason this seems to reduce performance.
- Const correctness is important. Try  using const reference on
immutable types.
- Instead of 0.00025 provide a value based on a user choice.If it is
hard coded by the user, the compiler will  probably convert it into a
const value.
- Don't use ints for indexing, use either std::size_t, or
container::size_type. If you need a signed type (i.e. to count for
differences on unsigned types) use ptrdiff_t. uBlas containers provide
a difference_type typedef for that purpose (i.e.
- use noalias(..) =  in every assignment that the lhs is not a part of
rhs, or when the algebraic operation is mapped 1-1. (i.e. A=2*A+B can
be written as noalias(A)=2*A+B, but A=prod(B,A)+D cannot atm). This
provides more benefits than just avoiding temporaries.

The QR decomposition of a 100x100 matrix should take no more than a
few miliseconds (or even less than a milisecond) to run.
A 1000x1000 should take around 1/3 to 1/10 of a sec.

Compile with:
g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG Main.cpp -o qrtest

Then you'll see that your code runs pretty fast, but it doesn't scale
well as Oswin noted.

Best regards,

On 05/15/2013 10:12 PM, Salman Javaid wrote:
Thank you, Oswin for the detailed response. I am going to update the

David, Nasos, any advise on coding conventions? Or anything else that
you can possible suggest? I will stand grateful.

Best Regards,
Salman Javaid

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:53 PM, oswin krause
<mailto:oswin.krause@ruhr-uni-bochum.de>> wrote:


    in the order I stumbled over the things:

    line 44-54: you don't need a copy, instead you should use a
    combination of row/subrange.
    line 58-60: you should take a look at inner_prod
    line 63: 0.00025 is too big.
    line 66: You should never create H explicitly.
    line 67: because you formed H, this step is O(n^3) which makes
    the whole algorithm O(n^4). This can be done in O(n^2)
    line 73-79: same applies here.


    On 14.05.2013 22:12, Salman Javaid wrote:
    Hello uBLAS Contributors:

                                         I have applied to GSoC 2013
    and pitched implementation of SVD factorization for uBLAS. In
    order to better prepare myself and to get my hands dirty at
    uBLAS, I ended up implementing QR Factorization employing
    Householder Reflections using uBLAS. This is only the first
    draft and will be needing significant improvement, e.g.,
    computation of QR decomposition of 100 * 100 matrix takes around
    30 seconds. But I guess just to get familiar with code base, it
    was a good exercise. Over the next week or two I will be trying
    to optimize the code.

                                         I will be absolutely
    grateful if contributors can have a quick glance at the code,
    and point me to any improvements they can suggest. Particularly
    in speeding up matrix multiplication.

    I used Visual Studio 2010 to compile the code. I will try to get
    the code running on my Ubuntu machine in a couple of days hopefully.

    Here the header file:

    The main file:

    Best Regards,
    Salman Javaid

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