I was thinking that was used for local development, as the ublas repository could be cloned without the whole boost one. At this time, you could use qtcreator to edit and build the benchmarks. Based on the options of configuration of the project in qtcreator, it could save all development files in a folder, avoiding to spread the these files in the project.

Currently, I've committed the changes in 'ublas_devel' but I can apply the patch to ublas_feature0010_ide_dev_support before to pull a request to ublas. To test the changes: https://github.com/jdurancomas/ublas/tree/ublas_develop

Just a question: Does the next integration will be ublas from GSOC and then the rest of changes will we integrated?

Joaquim Duran

2013/10/18 Nasos Iliopoulos <nasos_i@hotmail.com>
that's great.
Please note that the IDEs folder is not there for building but rather serve as aides for the development  (we only need that for testing and benchmarking, since uBlas is a header only library). Currently I am basically using it as a file manager, but may eventually incorporate a custom build target that is using boost build for tests and benchmarks.

We will probably though need to deploy some parts as shared lib in the future as we incorporate the distributed ublas from GSOC.

BTW, which branch are you working on? The IDE development has its own branch (https://github.com/jdurancomas/ublas/tree/ublas_feature0010_ide_dev_support/IDEs)


On 10/17/2013 07:46 PM, Joaquim Duran wrote:
Dear all,

In the 'ublas_develop' there are .pro files to develop the library using qtcreator. In my clone of ublas, I've improved the .pro files. Currently, It is possible to create the brenchX executables and compile the tests (but not linking, yet).

Please, take a look to changes, and I can pull a request.

Thanks and best Regards,
Joaquim Duran

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