it really depends on what we want to achieve in the end. Numeric bindings need more visibility and have to be officially associated with ublas. This can be done in 2 possible ways:
(1) either we have a separate project that will remain separated but highly publicized and people will have a simple way to download and install bindings. We will have to do reference to it in the documentation. Releases will be independent from the main Boost.uBLAS (the one I will push from github/ublas/ublas to github/boostorg/ublas)
(2) or we integrate them into the official Boost.uBLAS. It's not a bad idea when you think about it. But maybe it's too much for a single library like ublas.
(3) a third option would be to split them up into basic and advanced bindings because in the end, I want ublas to smoothly interact with the main numerical libraries. And the job is already done with the bindings.
Option (3) means we will have the bindings as a development branch in github/ublas.