On 22 Jan 2016, at 00:28, nasos <nasos_i@hotmail.com> wrote:

please see below

On 01/21/2016 05:23 PM, Michael Lehn wrote:
Hi Nasos,

first of all I don’t want to take wrong credits and want to point out that this is not my algorithm.  It is based on



For a few cores (4-8) it can easily made multithreaded.  For many-cores like Intel Xeon Phi this is a bit more
sophisticated but still not too hard.  
Setting up Phis is indeed an issue, especially because they are "locked" with icpc. Openmp is working properly though.

The demo I posted does not use micro kernels that exploit SSE, AVX or
FMA instructions.  With that the matrix product is on par with Intel MKL.  Just like BLIS. For my platforms I wrote
my own micro-kernels but the interface of function ugemm is compatible to BLIS.

If you compile with -O3 I think you are getting  near optimal SSE vectorization. gcc is truly impressive and intel is even more.

No, believe me.  No chance to beat asm :-)