I would like to say that as a user, native implementation is way better than bindings.

Blas is always a nasty dependence to have in a project...and headeronly libs are the ideal situation.

I think for example this justifies the success of eigen over alternatives.


On 24 Jan 2016 10:18, "Oswin Krause" <Oswin.Krause@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:

I would still vote for the route to rewrite uBLAS based on BLAS bindings and providing a reasonable default implementation that also works well without memory assumptions.The main reason is that only having a fast gemm implementation does not really improve things, given that BLAS level 3 is a quite large beast.

Im still willing to donate my partial uBLAS rewrite, unfortunately I am a bit short on time to polish it(just finished my phd and have a huge load of work on my desk). But if someone opened a git-branch for that i could try to make the code ready (porting my implementation back to boost namespaces etc).

On 2016-01-23 18:53, palik imre wrote:
Hi All,

what's next?  I mean what is the development process for ublas?

Now we have a C-like implementation that outperforms both the
mainline, and the branch version (axpy_prod).  What will we do with

As far as I see we have the following options:

1) Create a C++ template magic implementation out of it.  But for
this, at the least we would need compile-time access to the target
instruction set.  Any idea how to do that?

2) Create a compiled library implementation out of it, and choose the
implementation run-time based on the CPU capabilities.

3) Include some good defaults/defines, and hope the user will use

4) Don't include it, and do something completely different.

What do you think?



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