I never tried with complicated structures, but as far as I know, we can simply do something like:

namespace boost::ublas
   bla bla bla...

namespace boost::numeric::ublas
     using namespace boost::ublas;

I just wonder why none of gcc and clang complain about that. I'm obviously missing something because the recursion should be infinite,shouldn't it? https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/namespace#Using-directives

On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 10:30 AM Stefan Seefeld via ublas <ublas@lists.boost.org> wrote:

On 2019-05-30 8:07 p.m., David Bellot via ublas wrote:
By the way, can I open a flame war on this list? :-D

I doubt it. If you want a flame war, go to the boost list ! ;-)

What's about getting ublas out of the namespace numeric. The sub-namespace numeric has never been used as expected in the early days:
- in most of the code I saw so far, people are doing a using namespace boost::numeric.
- you can't seriously type boost::numeric::ublas::fct(x,y) like you type std::fct(x,y). I mean, std is 3 characters only.
- can we find a way to inject a new boost::ublas into boost::numeric to keep backward compatibility

As ublas is going through massive changes and improvements (thanks Cem, Stefan, Paul, Thomas, <put your name here>,...), it's about time to think about these little details too which would give ublas a new face and simplify users' life.



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