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Boost Announcement :

Subject: [Boost-announce] [Boost] [Hana] Formal review for Hana (Submissions closed)
From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-06-30 07:50:10

Dear Boost community,

The period for Hana review submissions has ended. The result will be
announced on the list during this week.

I would like to thank everyone on this list for your submission of a review:
- Edouard Alligand
- John P. Fletcher
- Niall Douglas
- Krzysztof Jusiak
- Roland Bock
- Vicente J. Botet Escriba
- David Sankel
- Zach Laine
- Kohei Takahashi
- Charley Bay
- Bruno Dutra
- Christophe Henry
- David Stone
- Lorenzo Caminiti
- John Bytheway
- Manuel Sánchez

As well as the following people for your discussion during the review period:
- Phil Endecott
- Larry Evans
- Abel SInkovics
- Gavin Lambert
- Jeremy Maitin-Shepard
- Joel de Guzman
- Edward Diener
- Paul A. Bristow
- Peter Dimov
- Bjorn Reese
- Paul Fultz II
- Lee Clagett

Once again, thank you to Louis for all your work on Hana and
submitting it for Boost inclusion.


Boost-announce list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at