Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #4184: compiler warnings in VC9

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #4184: compiler warnings in VC9
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-11 06:04:27

#4184: compiler warnings in VC9
 Reporter: Michael Stellmann <stellmann@…> | Owner: nasonov
     Type: Bugs | Status: new
Milestone: Boost 1.43.0 | Component: lexical_cast
  Version: Boost 1.42.0 | Severity: Problem
 Keywords: |

Comment(by admin@…):

 While working on a patch today for another issue (link) in the same
 function in boost::lexical_cast, I came across this and decided to do some
 digging. I'm pretty confident that there is no actual 64-bit issue, and
 that this warning can be ignored safely.

 '''From MSDN ([

 ''In this situation, C4267 is caused by a limitation in /Wp64 warnings. On
 x86, std::cout<<range_index resolves to the overload of operator<< that
 accepts an unsigned int, since size_t is an unsigned int on Win32. C4267
 occurs because you passed a size_t as an unsigned int argument, which
 would cause truncation on Win64 where size_t is 64-bit, but unsigned int
 is still 32-bit. This can be ignored because if you compiled for Win64,
 std::cout<<range_index would resolve to the overload of operator<< that
 accepts an {{{unsigned __int64}}}, since that's what type size_t is on
 Win64. The 32-bit compiler doesn't notice, so it warns.''

 This warning isn't raised by std::cout, but I believe the situation
 described by MSDN is applies to this warning. lexical_stream_limited_src
 is a stream wrapper template class (derived from std::basic_streambuf),
 and it has an operator<< overload that accepts an unsigned int. It also
 has an operator<< that takes an {{{unsigned __int64}}} if compiled for

 '''Source of the issue in lexical_cast.hpp (boost 1.42):'''

         template< typename Target
                 , typename Source
                 , bool Unlimited // string representation of Source is
                 , typename CharT
         Target lexical_cast(
             BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::call_traits<Source>::param_type
             CharT* buf, std::size_t src_len)
             typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
                 deduce_char_traits<CharT,Target,Source>::type traits;

             typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::if_c<
                 lcast_streambuf_for_target<Target>::value ||
               , std::basic_streambuf<CharT>
               , lexical_streambuf_fake
>::type base;

             BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::if_c<
               , detail::lexical_stream<Target,Source,traits>
               , detail::lexical_stream_limited_src<CharT,base,traits>
>::type interpreter(buf, buf + src_len);

             Target result;
             if(!(interpreter << arg && interpreter >> result)) // line
 1151, as of boost 1.42 when this issue was reported
                 BOOST_LCAST_THROW_BAD_CAST(Source, Target);
             return result;

 '''Relevant declarations in lexical_stream_limited_src (boost 1.42; the
 full declaration starts at line 660):'''

         // String representation of Source has an upper limit.
         template< class CharT // a result of widest_char transformation
                 , class Base // lexical_streambuf_fake or
                 , class Traits // usually char_traits<CharT>
         class lexical_stream_limited_src : public Base

             /* truncated */

             bool operator<<(unsigned short);
             bool operator<<(unsigned int); //
             bool operator<<(unsigned long);
 #if defined(BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG)
             bool operator<<(boost::ulong_long_type);
             bool operator<<(boost::long_long_type );
 #elif defined(BOOST_HAS_MS_INT64)
             bool operator<<(unsigned __int64);
             bool operator<<( __int64);

             /* truncated */


 I've submitted a patch ([])
 that should resolve this. I don't have access to MSVC or a Windows machine
 (nor the experience for it to matter), so hopefully someone more
 knowledgable than me can verify if I'm correct about this being ignorable.

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