Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #10238: syslog pri part error in custom severity (init_from_stream)

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #10238: syslog pri part error in custom severity (init_from_stream)
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-07-24 07:59:34

#10238: syslog pri part error in custom severity (init_from_stream)
  Reporter: anonymous | Owner: andysem
      Type: Bugs | Status: new
 Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: log
   Version: Boost 1.55.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: | Keywords:

Comment (by alexander.zhornyak@…):

 Hi all,
 I'm trying to tune logging from settings to be able to send message to
 Syslog, TextFile_, Console.
 I use %Severity% keyword in all these cases. My task is get text value of
 severity in TextFile_, Console,
 to get correct format of message in Syslog.

 During executing the code below I've got an error pri part in Syslog.
 #TextFile - OK
 <DEBUG>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.611879] This is a debug severity record
 <INFO>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.627501] This is a info severity record
 <WARNING>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.658746] This is a warning severity record
 <ERROR>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.674369] This is a error severity record
 <CRITICAL>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.705613] This is a critical severity

 <14> Jul 24 10:27:28 test.exe This is a debug severity record
 <14> Jul 24 10:27:28 test.exe This is a info severity record
 <14> Jul 24 10:27:28 test.exe This is a warning severity
 <14> Jul 24 10:27:28 test.exe This is a error severity record
 <14> Jul 24 10:27:28 test.exe This is a critical severity
 Every record has Syslog pri part equals to <14>. That is mistake!

 P.S. If I use int instead of enum as severity level, everything is ok in
 but in this case I can not get text values of %Severity% in TextFile_ and
 #TextFile - I need %Severity% as text here
 <15>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.611879] This is a debug severity record
 <14>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.627501] This is a info severity record
 <12>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.658746] This is a warning severity record
 <11>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.674369] This is a error severity record
 <10>[2014-Jul-24 10:27:28.705613] This is a critical severity record

 #Syslog - OK
 <15> Jul 24 10:44:16 MaZhorWork fmod_test.exe This is a debug severity
 <14> Jul 24 10:44:16 MaZhorWork fmod_test.exe This is a info severity
 <12> Jul 24 10:44:17 MaZhorWork fmod_test.exe This is a warning severity
 <11> Jul 24 10:44:17 MaZhorWork fmod_test.exe This is a error severity
 <10> Jul 24 10:44:17 MaZhorWork fmod_test.exe This is a critical severity

 P.S.2. In my opinion problem is in
 $(BOOST_ROOT_55)\libs\log\src\init_from_settings.cpp, line 453:
         // For now we use only the default level mapping. Will add support
 for configuration later.

 My code that I tried
 //Here we define our application severity levels.
 typedef enum TSysLogSeverity
         slEmergency = boost::log::sinks::syslog::emergency,
         slAlert = boost::log::sinks::syslog::alert,
         slCritical = boost::log::sinks::syslog::critical,
         slError = boost::log::sinks::syslog::error,
         slWarning = boost::log::sinks::syslog::warning,
         slNotice = boost::log::sinks::syslog::notice,
         slInfo = boost::log::sinks::syslog::info,
         slDebug = boost::log::sinks::syslog::debug

 // The operator is used for regular stream formatting
 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& strm, TSysLogSeverity level)
         static const char* strings[] =

         if (static_cast< std::size_t >(level) < sizeof(strings) /
                 strm << strings[level];
                 strm << level;

         return strm;

 std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& i, TSysLogSeverity &level) {
         std::string s_tmp;
         i >> s_tmp;

         static const char* strings[] =

         bool bFound = false;
         const std::size_t i_array_size = sizeof(strings) /
         for (int k = 0; k < i_array_size ; k++)
                 if (s_tmp == std::string(strings[k]))
                         level = TSysLogSeverity(k);
                         bFound = true;

         if (!bFound)
                 level = TSysLogSeverity(std::stoul(s_tmp));

         return i;

 // Attribute value tag type
 struct severity_tag;

 // The operator is used when putting the severity level to log
 boost::log::formatting_ostream& operator<<
         boost::log::formatting_ostream& strm,
         boost::log::to_log_manip< TSysLogSeverity, severity_tag > const&
         static const char* strings[] =

         TSysLogSeverity level = manip.get();
         if (static_cast< std::size_t >(level) < sizeof(strings) /
                 strm << strings[level];
                 strm << static_cast< int >(level);

         return strm;

 // Global logger declaration

 void try_logging()

         src::severity_logger_mt<TSysLogSeverity>& lg = test_lg::get();
         BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, slDebug) << "This is a debug severity record";
         BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, slInfo) << "This is a info severity record";
         BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, slWarning) << "This is a warning severity
         BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, slError) << "This is a error severity record";
         BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, slCritical) << "This is a critical severity


 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

                 boost::filesystem::path p(argv[0]);
                 p = p.replace_extension(".ini");

                 // Open the file
                 std::ifstream settings(p.string());
                 if (!settings.is_open())
                         throw std::runtime_error("Could not open <" +
 p.string() + "> file");

 boost::log::register_simple_formatter_factory<TSysLogSeverity, char

                 // Read the settings and initialize logging library

                 src::severity_logger_mt<TSysLogSeverity>& lg =

                 // Add some attributes

                 // Try logging

         catch (std::exception& e)
                 std::cout << "FAILURE: " << e.what() << std::endl;

         return 0;

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