Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #11470: Invalid results using convex_hull with unsigned integer points coordinates

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #11470: Invalid results using convex_hull with unsigned integer points coordinates
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-07-10 13:20:21

#11470: Invalid results using convex_hull with unsigned integer points coordinates
  Reporter: Eric Noirfalise | Owner:
  <eric.noirfalise@…> | barendgehrels
      Type: Bugs | Status: new
 Milestone: To Be Determined | Component: geometry
   Version: Boost 1.58.0 | Severity: Problem
Resolution: | Keywords:

Comment (by Eric Noirfalise <eric.noirfalise@…>):

 Ok after some code exploration I think that problem comes from :

         typename CoordinateType,
         typename PromotedType,
         typename P1,
         typename P2,
         typename P,
         typename EpsPolicy
 static inline
 PromotedType side_value(P1 const& p1, P2 const& p2, P const& p, EpsPolicy
 & eps_policy)
         CoordinateType const x = get<0>(p);
         CoordinateType const y = get<1>(p);

         CoordinateType const sx1 = get<0>(p1);
         CoordinateType const sy1 = get<1>(p1);
         CoordinateType const sx2 = get<0>(p2);
         CoordinateType const sy2 = get<1>(p2);

         PromotedType const dx = sx2 - sx1;
         PromotedType const dy = sy2 - sy1;
         PromotedType const dpx = x - sx1;
         PromotedType const dpy = y - sy1;

         eps_policy = EpsPolicy(dx, dy, dpx, dpy);

         return geometry::detail::determinant<PromotedType>
                     dx, dy,
                     dpx, dpy

 in file boost/geometry/trategies/cartesian/side_by_triangle.hpp

 In my case :
 - CoordinateType = unsigned int
 - PromotedType = double

 So, for example, on line

 PromotedType const dpy = y - sy1;
 a case where y < sy1 will lead to wrong result.
 A simple cast of y to PromotedType like
 PromotedType const dpy = PromotedType (y) - sy1;
 should in my case solve the problem.

 If my understanding is good, PromotedType will be the most precise type
 between double and CoordinateType. So if I use input unsigned int 64, a
 similar error can happen and my correction will fail...

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