Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #12450: oost/serialization/singleton.hpp:131: undefined reference to `boost::serialization::singleton_module::is_locked()'

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #12450: oost/serialization/singleton.hpp:131: undefined reference to `boost::serialization::singleton_module::is_locked()'
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-12-28 16:58:56

#12450: oost/serialization/singleton.hpp:131: undefined reference to
  Reporter: NASa Qian | Owner: ramey
  <cj.nasa@…> | Status: new
      Type: Bugs | Component: serialization
 Milestone: Boost | Severity: Problem
  1.63.0 | Keywords: singleton_module serialization
   Version: Boost | wserialization
  1.61.0 |
Resolution: |

Comment (by anonymous):

 Replying to [comment:7 anonymous]:
> The debug version of boost 1.6.3 still fails with an error on GCC 5.1.0.

 Sorry. I got this in to the develop branch but had problems getting other
 changes to pass all the test. By the time I got this done, the master was
 closed to merges. Finally 1.63 was released and merge was open again and
 I've merged develop into master. So there shouldn't be any pending
 changes left. That is, any changes I made should show up in 1.64. On the
 other hand, this took a long time and I now forget exactly which changes
 might have been. To verify this, one could update the master on his local
 tree and run your test again.

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