Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #12914: Program using BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL exits with code 255

Subject: Re: [Boost-bugs] [Boost C++ Libraries] #12914: Program using BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL exits with code 255
From: Boost C++ Libraries (noreply_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-03-20 22:27:48

#12914: Program using BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL exits with code 255
  Reporter: | Owner: andysem
  itsbriany@… | Status: new
      Type: Bugs | Component: log
 Milestone: Boost | Severity: Problem
  1.64.0 | Keywords: log BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL exit code
   Version: Boost | runtime error
  1.63.0 |
Resolution: |

Comment (by Brian Yip <itsbriany@…>):

 I got Boost 1.63 to compile with MSVC 14.10 by cloning the development
 branch of boost build to build the b2.exe executable. I also got Boost
 1.63 to compile with MSVC 14.10 by modifying the project-config.jam file
 (I attached a copy of my project-config.jam).

 I don't think the Windows system exit code 255 is -1 since they seem to
 range from 0 to 159999. Reference:

 I'm not sure how to get a stack trace because the program won't hit any
 set breakpoints (not even the first line of main). It just tends to crash
 immediately when I use anything from boost log in my code.

 From my understanding, the boost log library is only linked when I call a
 function or macro from it. If I don't use any code from boost log, the
 program works as expected. Anytime I use a symbol from boost log, the
 program immediately exits with code 255. I suspect this is caused by
 linking the boost log library?

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