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Boost-Build :

From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-11-27 10:56:34

I've some questions concerning building semantics

1. Shouldn't there be some some underlying level, with rules like
actions -- attaches actions to a target
generate -- generates a target from sources using specified command line
generate_in_dir -- ditto, only sources must reside in the same subdir, cd to
which is performed prior to building. This is to support tools that generate
something in current dir.
Is there any need to support globbing? Haven't needed it myself, but there
may be valid needs for such a feature (although it might require changes to
Any addition to this list?

2. There should be a way to toolsets to specify extra files generated, e.g.
tds file bcc linker uses to store debugging info, so that those files are

Also, jam docs say that tools which generate fixed name files (yacc?) can
conflict with mutliple jobs feature? Need to address it?
(This, of cause, is of low priority, but probably we should be ready to fix
this problem some time in future)

- Volodya


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