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Boost-Build :

From: Rene Rivera (grafik666_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-22 10:32:38

[2002-12-22] David Abrahams wrote:

>Rene Rivera <grafik666_at_[hidden]> writes:
>> [2002-12-20] David Abrahams wrote:
>>>"Felix E. Klee <felix.klee_at_[hidden]>" <felix.klee_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>>> when using Perforce's jam. Am I doing something wrong or is this a
>>>> bug/feature in Boost's Jam?
>>>Yes ;-)
>>>The problem is this:
>>>Perforce Jam automatically updates everything that doesn't look like
>>>an option on the command line. We wanted to be able to control what
>>>gets updated, so we turned that off in core jam and wrote this little
>>>thing in Jambase which does it programmatically:
>>> for local e in $(ARGV[2-])
>>> {
>>> if ! [ MATCH "^(-).*" : $(e) ]
>>> {
>>> # This is not an option, so it is a target name.
>>> UPDATE $(e) ;
>>> }
>>> }
>>>Unfortunately, that broke compatibility with Perforce Jam for cases
>>>where the users adds -f to the command-line. I don't think that was
>>>intentional, so I guess I'd call it a bug. You can add the code above
>>>to any file foo you use with -ffoo to get it to work like Perforce Jam
>>>while we figure out what to do about it.
>> I think I wrote that bit of code already at the bottom of build.jam. As
in I
>> copied the code and then noticed the bug in it, but hadn't changed
>> version also.
>One of us is confused. Please re-read the foregoing messages, Rene. I
>didn't notice that there's any bug in the code above. Is there one?
>The problem I noticed is that this behavior must be built into the Jam
>core instead of the Jambase, or Jambase replacement with -fxxx will
>not be transparent.

Yes, you are correct, sorry. Now that I've had some sleep I understand ;-)

Now I understand why we have to figure out how to bring back that

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera_at_[hidden] - grafik_at_[hidden]
-- 102708583_at_icq


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