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Boost-Build :

From: Jørn Jensen (jornj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-16 05:31:27

Vladmir wrote:
> There's more general question. If application uses compile-only Boost
> libraries, how can it get the relevant includes? Maybe, we can use
this syntax:
> exe t7 : main.cpp : <uses>qt <uses>boost ;
> The <uses> properties will be expanded to relevant <includes>
> Comments?

Note, I do not have any experience with bjam version 2, and very little
the first one as well. But I once tried something like this with

exe target : sourcefile.cpp <template>ace ;

The template 'ace' was then defined in my Jamrules file and specified
include dirs, libraries and the other things I needed. This worked well,
but I had to sometimes use <template>../../ace when working in
subdirectories. Will the proposed <uses> avoid that?

Keep up the good work with V2! I hope to be able to use it for an
existing project without breaking the old structure and Makefiles. I
seem to remember that you have added more functionality for shared libs
and dependencies between them. (I didn't succeed with V1, perhaps I just
didn't understand how to fully utilize it.)



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