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Boost-Build :

From: klapshin (klapshin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-25 11:26:21

--- In jamboost_at_[hidden], Vladimir Prus <ghost_at_c...> wrote:
> I would appreciate if several persons not actively involved in
development try
> to grab the files and install them, to the degree where "hello"
> project is buildable. It should be possible with gcc, msvc and
> compilers. This way we can catch apparent bugs in packaging and
> docs, before announcing the release for everybody.

I tried msvc; bjam builds just fine, hello example passed
successfully, but libraries failed because no single function were
exported from dll and hence no .lib file created. After adding

#ifdef _MSC_VER

to foo() in lib1.cpp test suceeded with warning

targets.jam:686: in check-for-unused-sources from module
warning: Unused source target { {
e-lib1.RSP { msvc.compile-lib1.OBJ { lib1.CPP } } } }
Main target is app/app

The real problem though that automatic search for compiler seems to be
broken. In order to run the test I had to ran vcvars32 prior to
calling bjam. Otherwise bjam have not even tried to load it from
default location. I tried to debug it, and as far as I can see from
the -d+5 log, vendor subfeature is being set to "intel", which
prevents from running automatic detection logic. And I don't set
vendor in user-config!

After commenting lines 16 through 21 in msvc.jam I made it leave
vendor empty, and msvc.init correctly set setup variable to default
location of vcvars32.bat, however it still did not run it! At this
point I gave up.


PS: The document page says that the last update was on Oct, 10 2002,
which is rather confusing.

PPS: bjam -v reports version 3.1.4 and bjam --version reports bjam
version of 03.01.03


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at