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Boost-Build :

From: m_bertschy (0673989487_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-23 06:20:59

Hello everybody !

I am completely a newbie with Boost.Build and I find it really useful
for making automatic builds.
I am trying to use it to build a medium sized project including ~20
executables and ~10 dynamic libraries on Windows (the project is
maintained with VisualC Studio 6). We want to use Boost.Build to
provide an easy cross-platform building sytem to our developers.
So far all the libraries are compiling quitely and I only have a
problem with MFC apps. How can I handle the resource file foo.rc with
Boost.Build v1?
I have seen a wonderful transformation diagram in the file
boost-build/new/m2-transformations.txt wich explain exactely what I
need; is it possible to do it with Boost.Build v1?

(I have seen a helpful rule in Boost.Build v2 but the project does not
seem to be mature enough to use it in a company)

Thank you! Cheers!

Matthias Bertschy


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at