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Boost-Build :

From: Victor A. Wagner, Jr. (vawjr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-29 02:25:33

At Friday 2003-08-29 00:08, you wrote:
>Victor A. Wagner, Jr. wrote:
[bandwidth reducer]
> > cvs update reports M (locally modified) and doesn't give you a new file
>That's not so. When file is modified on server, CVS merges the changes from
>server to your local copy.

so it appears from the docs (I'd apparently misinterpreted some symptoms
I'd seen
[bandwidth reducer]
> > I'll just get then and install them (I purportedly the "infrastructure guy"
> > for our group, so I suppose we should have "everything")
>Ok. In the meantime, I've comitted new version of libs/graph/build/Jamfile.v2
>as well as libs/graph/src/graphviz_lex.ll and
>libs/graph/src/graphviz_parser.yy. This change should really make BGL build
>working again --- turns out it worked only in my local copy.

sounds good... are there any plans to have V2 build ALL of the tools when
invoked from the boost/tools directory? I don't really mind manually going
down a couple directories and running a build.bat file, but as more and
more tools get added, that's going to become problematic.

[bandwidth reducer]

> > Hmmm, as soon as I get this all figured out, I'll try to get V2 to build
> > all 6 flavors (do we need 12? (UNICODE also?)). I'd also like to help work
> > with the "let's put all the .lib in one place so that we can rationally put
> > the requisite (for VC++7.1) #pragma comment(lib, blah) so that the user
> > won't HAVE to know which libraries need to be linked.
>Great. That would be cool.
>- Volodya

Victor A. Wagner Jr.
The five most dangerous words in the English language:
"There oughta be a law"


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at