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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-09 09:59:26

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> The V2 testing.jam has his logic:
------V1 ??

> local verbose-test = 1 ;
> if --verbose-test in $(ARGV)
> {
> verbose-test = 0 ;
> }
> VERBOSE_TEST on $(run-target) = $(verbose-test) ;
> .........
> VERBOSE on $(run-target) = "test $verbose -eq 0 ; then" ;
> if $(VERBOSE)
> echo ====== BEGIN OUTPUT ======
> So, verbose output is generated when value of "VERBOSE_TEST" is 0, while I
> would think the verbose output should be generated when the value if 1. Why
> does it work this way? Is there any specific reason, or it just happened this
> way?

It just happened to work out that way. When I rewrote that part
testing.jam I was testing the value directly, without the EQU/-eq, so
the value needed to be zero.

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