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Boost-Build :

From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-16 00:48:16

Hi Michael,

> In the boost-build directory file user-config.jam was updated
> using gcc;
> using gcc : 3.3.3 g++ /usr/local/gcc/3.3.3/bin;
> This seems to get me the compiler I want to use for the build. Can I
> assume this is a V2 file? When I build boost will this file be used?

It will be used if you pass --v2 flag to bjam, when invoking it in the
top-level directory of boost. The V1 version is still the default for Boost,
so you need to explicitly use V2.

> bjam cflags="-m64" linkflags="-m64"
> This builds me an ELF64 executable.


> Now if I want to build boost and would like to set up a configuration file.
> I'm not sure what its name would be or what directory it would be placed
> in.
> Some of what we need to set is as follows,
> bjam --prefix="~/boost-stl/local/boost_1_31_0" -sTOOLS="gcc-stlport"
> -sBUILD="<t
> hreading>multi <stlport-iostream>on <runtime-link>dynamic release debug"
> RT_4.6.1_PATH=~/boost-stl/local -sSTLPORT_VERSION=4.6.1
> b -sSTLPORT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY=include/stlport install
> I don't know if this is V1 or V2 syntax! I'd like to have this information
> in a configuration file and not the command line.

This is V1 syntax. What's worse, the "install" rule is one of few things that
are not implemented in V2 yet.

So, if you want to "just" build Boost, you can use the above syntax. If you
have some other requirements, you might need to wait for V2 to implement
"install". And when it happens, you'll be able to edit top-level Jamfile to
use the properties you want (gcc with stlport, dynamic linking, etc).

- Volodya


Boost-Build list run by bdawes at, david.abrahams at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at