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From: c_andy_martin (c_andy_martin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-11-16 15:14:35

OK, I tried that, but had the exact same results as not using it.
Also, note that the recompiles only occur when the directory by the
name of `exception' is marked as newer, which on my linux machine
which seems to happen whenever a file is created, destroyed or written
in the directory (not when a file in the directory is touched via the
touch command). To simulate the behavior of the directory timestamp
being newer, I just use `touch common/exception'. I could just as
easily do `touch common/exception/some_new_file.txt'. `touch
common/exception/Exception.cpp' does not cause the total recompile
(just a recompile of Exception.cpp and relink like it should).

--- In jamboost_at_[hidden], David Abrahams <dave_at_b...> wrote:
> Hmm...
> Please try this, with v1. Just add
> -sdirectory-grist=FuBar
> to your bjam command-line. Do you still see these problems?


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